Vessel Abstract of Title

Tips for Obtaining a Good vessel Abstract of Title

As a legal record, the vessel abstract of title details the vessel’s history of ownership beginning with its construction. It’s a safeguard for you, the owner if a disagreement occurs with a potential buyer or lender. A well-functioning one is essential if you sell your boat, so keep it in good shape. Boat owners must…

Vessel Documentation

Reasons You Need a Vessel Documentation Service

If you’re a U.S. vessel owner, you know how important it is to keep your documentation up to date. But did you know that there are vessel documentation services that can help make the process easier for you? Having the proper documents for your boat or ship is crucial, particularly if you plan on sailing…

USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage

How to Properly Complete a USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage?

Have you been doing your research about the USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage but don’t exactly understand what it is about? Don’t worry, we have got you covered. This article will explain to you everything you need to know about the subject. The information you need to get to satisfy your mortgage, or the exact definition…

CG 1258

CG 1258 The Correct Way to Fill It

CG 1258 is the form that helps you get your United States Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation. Not in the case of renewal (that is CG-1280), but it does apply for your initial, exchange, reinstatement, replacement, or redocumentation. What are we talking about? Find out next! Initial Certificate of Documentation As we were saying, the…

Transfer Of Vessel Ownership

How To Do A transfer of vessel ownership (CG-1258)

You must have a solid understanding of the procedure for the transfer of vessel ownership if you are currently the vessel owner. This paper details the procedures that must be carried out to successfully execute a transfer and offers some advice that may be useful along the route. You can secure a seamless transition for…

Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

The Benefits of Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

If you are the vessel owner and are seeking a quick and easy method to check in with the United States Coast Guard (USCG), you have come to the right place. Sail safely today, and remember to check your Coast Guard vessel documentation! Suppose you register your boat or ship built in the United States…