Coast Guard documentation

U.S. Coast Guard Documentation and the Financing of Your Boat

You’ve been saving for years now, waiting for the opportunity to come along where you have enough to buy the recreational boat you’ve always wanted. Now that you have a good amount saved for the down payment of your vessel, you can start looking at options in the new and pre-owned markets for a boat.…

National Vessel Documentation Center

Make Dealing with NVDC Easier on Yourself

You’ve spent a long time saving up and searching for just the right boat that suits your needs. Now that you’ve finally brokered the deal and purchased a boat for yourself, you do all you can to take care of it. You’ve heard that documenting your recreational vessel is a good idea and can have…

Coast Guard Registration Renewal

When is Coast Guard Registration Renewal Required?

When you own a boat, it must be registered in some capacity for legal reasons. It’s important to know that this registration must be renewed from time to time. But how will you know it’s time? Typically you will be notified when Coast Guard registration renewal is getting close. However, there are also some things…

United States Coast Guard Documentation

How to Get United States Coast Guard Documentation

When you get the opportunity to buy a large boat, whether it’s for recreational or commercial purposes, it’s an important financial investment for you. Because it is so significant, you want to make sure that you do all your homework before buying, and then do everything you can to protect your investment properly after the…

USCG Vessel Documentation

Safe Boating and Survival Tips

Approximately 70 percent of accidents involving fatalities occur on boats where the operator had no formal instruction on how to operate the vessel. That’s why it’s so important to have training no matter how experienced the boater is. As a result of some operator’s negligence, more than half of all states have enacted legislation mandating…

Recreational Vessels

Registration Methods For U.S. Recreational Vessels

There are basically two methods to register Recreational Vessels in the USA: Vessel Registration, which is a Certificate of Number issued by a specific state Vessel Documentation, issued by the U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Vessels Registration All those vessels equipped with propulsion machinery must be registered in their state of principal use with a Certificate…

Valuable Tips to Make the Most of Your Boat Documentation

Most boat owners don’t give much thought to their boat’s paperwork, but there are certain things you can do to ensure that your paperwork serves you well. In this article, we’ll go over some suggestions for making the most of the boat documentation. Having this certificate in your possession is essential to legally owning and…